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The Sandeman

14-16 Kinnoull Street, Perth, PH1 5EZ, United Kingdom | 01738 443944 | Website
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Beautiful building, friendly and accommodating staff, good access with few difficulties


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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Wheelchair, Mobility Scooter


The facilities are accessed by quite a few stairs, or there is a lift on street level. The building is a listed building and is the old library in the heart of Perth City Centre. Good transport links, and though there is no private parking, there is on street parking and a multi-storey car park very near by. Bus and taxis are available within 100 metres of the venue. The Venue is part of the keep safe scheme and staff are happy for members of the public to access their toilet facilities without using their services. Staff are friendly and approachable and are willing to assist in anyway that they can. At the moment there are only a couple of tables that are really suitable for wheelchair users, but Management are working to make changes to access so that everyone can access all of their facilities and services. Overall, it was a pleasant experience.

Transport & Parking


We didn't use transport but the venue is easily accessed by bus, taxi or car. There is no private car park but is on street parking and a multi-storey close by. The multi-storey is not free to blue badge holders. There is a bus and taxi rank just around the corner from the venue.



We access the services via a lift from street level. Issues were that the button was quite hard to reach from the mobility scooter or wheelchair even without restricted mobility, and the button had to be continually pressed while calling the lift and while using the lift. It was big enough that the mobility scooter fit no problem. When inside, the venue is spacious but there are only a couple of tables that would be suitable for someone using a wheelchair as the others are accessed via some stairs. Other tables are at a height that is out of reach for someone in a wheelchair. Orders are taken at the bar, but i'm sure that if someone was having difficulties that the staff would offer a table service. Navigation around the main services were fine.



There is an accessible toilet, but none of our group used it on this occasion. All of the group had used it previously and said it was a good toilet.



Friendly and helpful.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

Management are willing to do what they can to make the venue as accessible as possible.

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