Platty+ Platty+

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Lodore Boat Landings, Derwentwater, Keswick, CA12 5UX, United Kingdom | 017687 76572 | Website
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Canoeing on Derwent Water


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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Wheelchair


Fantastic morning on the water made possible by the great staff and the canoe which had a supporting seat (brought my own cushion). Two canoes were securely rafted together so that it was impossible to tip the canoes. So four of us could go out together. This meant that when I tired the other three paddlers could take over. Very companionable

Transport & Parking


A member of staff met us at the gate and we could drive all the way down to the path and park next to the cabin and beach.



There was a ramp up to the cabin office. The staff members helped me across the gravel beach and offered assistance into the canoe. I am paralysed from the chest down and cannot walk at all but even so staff were very helpful and helped lift me out again at the end.



There was a disabled loo but I didn't use it.



From the first phone call Sarah Platt was very helpful and gave me her number so I could call if we got lost. They had some young stron staff who were friendly and helpful

Anything else you wish to tell us?

It added to our experience that the weather was beautiful and the wind light but even so it was a fabulous way to get off the beaten path and experience some real peace and tranquility that can be hard to find in the popular areas of the Lakes


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