The Harrogate Bus Company The Harrogate Bus Company

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The Harrogate Bus Company

Hookstone Drive, Harrogate, HG2 7NY, United Kingdom | Website
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36 Leeds - Harrogate - Ripon - Really Good Experience



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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Wheelchair


Although this is not a venue as such its a really important means to get to many venues between Leeds and Ripon with Harrogate being a major stop. The bus has ample room for a wheelchair user and dedicated spaces for parents and buggies, meaning that wheelchair users don't have to wait for the next bus when a parent won't move. There is an LED display telling you when the next stop is as well as an audible announcement, which is really helpful. The wheelchair space has a USB charging point - exactly the same as the seated passengers. The drivers are really helpful, they ask if you are in position before setting off which is really important. The only downside is that there is only room for one wheelchair user on each journey, although the buses are very frequent this can be frustrating. Being able to easily acces transport is so important to mainataining independence and our reviewer would thouroughly recommend that if you are travelling on the route between Leeds and Ripon you try the 36.

Transport & Parking








Really helpful and considerate


Harrogate Bus

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