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Barceloneta Beach

Passeig Marítim, Barcelona, 08001, Spain | Website
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Accessibility of Barceloneta Beach


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Wheelchair ramps leading down to the beach, as well as a wide cement walk way. Disabled parking available. Large number of staff and lifeguards available. Toilets are few and far in between and reasonably accessible. Narrow entrance however spacious cubicles.

Transport & Parking


Disabled parking available.



There are wheel chair ramps sloping down to the beach. These are not too steep, so therefore very accessible. Along the edge of the beach there is a smooth cement walk way, making it easy to use wheel chairs. It is also very wide. The beach itself is very flat and extremely close to the shore. This means someone with a disability would not have to walk/use their wheel chair much to get close to the sea, or find a place to sit on the beach.



The toilets on the beach are few and far in between, and have extremely narrow entrances. However, the cubicles are built in mind of wheel chair users, as they are very large and spacious.



There are a large number of staff/attendants and life guards throughout the beach.

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