Discovery Museum Discovery Museum
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Discovery Museum

Blandford Square, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4JA, United Kingdom | 0191 232 6789 | Website
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Great museum with Changing Places toilet


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Discovery Museum is just outside of the city centre, it has lots of interactive displays and great accessibility throughout.

Transport & Parking


There is a car park directly outside the museum with accessible parking bays, although in busy times this will probably fill up quite quickly. It is also walking distance from Newcastle Central Station (between 5 and 10 minute walk) and there are public bus links nearby.



Great access throughout. There is a level entrance which is through glass doors, it's slightly confusing as you have to go around to the right rather than straight through the first set of doors. Once you're inside there is a reception area on the right with a dropped counter. There is a ramp up past a large ship into the rest of the museum and a lift to access the floors. Going around the museum there are markings on the floor to help guide the way. You can tell this museum has been designed with accessibility in mind!



There is a changing places toilet on the ground floor, plus accessible toilets in the female (and I assume also the male) toilet(s). The doors into the toilets are automatic, the accessible toilet itself is a manual door and opens inwards, it's fairly spacious once inside (it's a long space) - see photograph below. Only gripe is it could have done with being cleaned as there were paper towels all over the floor.



Friendly and helpful.


Dropped counter at the entrance Accessible toilet Changing Places toilet Outside of Discovery Museum Inside Discovery Museum Markings on floor to guide the way

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