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Espresso Library

210 East Road, Cambridge, CB1 1BG, United Kingdom | 01223 367333 | Website
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Accessible coffee shop in central cambridge


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Great place to have a coffee and brunch! Bright, spacious cafe with seating at different levels. Friendly staff.

Transport & Parking


Located in fairly central Cambridge and near Anglia Ruskin university where there are bus stops.



You enter the cafe through a double glass door which is fairly heavy. There are two seating areas one straight in front and one to the right. The area to the right it also where the counter is situated (you have to order your food & drinks here and pay at the same time). The area to the front of entrance is spacious and has seating at a range of levels and this is also where the toilets are located, the area to the right is more crowded. The cafe is level throughout and family friendly.



Accessible toilet is used by all of the cafes customers (there is also one other toilet). To get the toilet you have to go through a fairly heavy door first. The toilet itself is clean and spacious, there is transfer space to the right of the toilet and grab rails. There is also a red cord. The tiles are all black so might be more difficult for visually impaired people.



Very friendly staff team - you order your food at the counter but everything (including drinks) are brought over to the table when they're ready.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

There's lots of delicious food to choose from on the menu - plenty of vegetarian and some gluten free options too.


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