Goodwood Racecourse Goodwood Racecourse

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Goodwood Racecourse

Goodwood, Chichester, PO18 0PS, United Kingdom | 01243 755022 | Website
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Review of Goodwood Racecourse, West Sussex


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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Wheelchair


There is a reason why this racecourse has a reputation - the location is super, with views of the south downs. The racecourse itself is surprisingly flat. There are lift in all of the stands, the operating of which is overseen by a steward. Everybody willingly opens doors for you, are approachable and sociable. This aids race days as there is always a friendly atmosphere. Each stand have seats designated to wheelchair users. These areas are also overseen by staff. I'd recommend paying for the Richmond Stand as the view over the course from the 1st floor cannot be faulted!

Transport & Parking


Sadly Goodwood is in a remote location so a car is without doubt your best bet. I'd be surprised if buses don't detour to the course on race days though. Given the amount of staff they'll be no shortage of advise with regard to public transport - I've seen them willingly booked taxis when asked.



There are lifts, toilets and designated seating areas in all stands The course is neither big nor small so I can get around perfectly fine. Signage may be a little lacking but staff are always visible and on hand if anybody needs assistance.You can always hover in one place if need be - all the essentials are close by!



There are accessible toilet with enough space for me to get around. Some may consider them small but I manage fine. I can't remember seeing a hoist, although it would be unfair to suggest that they don't have them somewhere.



I love the staff. I don't really know what they could improve upon - I always have a great day.

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