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  • The Tony Edge National Centre

The Tony Edge National Centre

Hythe End Road, Wraysbury, TW19 6HW, United Kingdom | 01784 483664 | Website


British Disabled Waterski & Wakeboard Association



Visit date:

This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Wheelchair


Yes you've read this right. This facility in Wraysbury is one of 3 used by the association. Whilst my friends enjoyed windsailing I got the better side of the bargain, strapped to the end of a speed boat sat on a wakeboard...I was waterskiing. The facility was perfect. I was comfortable whilst doing the activity and had immense fun - I'll never forget it. I wore a wet suit so I wasn't cold and was assisted while I was changing. I remember discussing their hoist so I'm certain they have one. Note that it was a while ago so it may have changed slightly but I'm confident these are for the better!

Transport & Parking


The facility has got its own car park, so you can be assured ofa space. I wouldn't advise public transport as it is outside of town. I definitely go though - its worth the journey.



I remember it being a very easy, enjoyable afternoon. I had no difficulty at all.. As the name of the organisation suggests, they are used to catering for disabled people. I was the only wheelchair user in my group but I doubt they'd be out of their depth with more - that's what they are there for.



There certainly was a disabled toilet/changing room - I changed in it. There must have been enough space therefore. As I said I discussed the hoist with staff so I'd be shocked if there wasn't one.



They are volunteers that do it for the love of the sport, need I say more?


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