Widow Cullen's Well Widow Cullen's Well

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Widow Cullen's Well

29 Steep Hill, Lincoln, LN2 1LU, United Kingdom | 01522 523020
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Accessible pub with very good beer in Lincoln old town


Visit date:

This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Wheelchair, Mobility Scooter


Very friendly staff and wide range of beers on tap, especially Samuel Smith beers.

Transport & Parking


Probably no close by parking for main entrance in Steep Hill, but may be parking in Michaelsgate for back entrance. We went by mobility scooter and walking from Castle Hill. WARNING: Do NOT attempt to go UP Steep Hill from the bottom in either wheelchair (probably impossible and dangerous) or a mobility scooter. We tried the next day, and my scooter died, which was very traumatic.



Both the downstairs bar and upstairs bar/restaurant are accessible step free from street level outside (from Steep Hill and Michaelsgate respectively) , but to move between the two bars indoors requires going up a flight of stairs.



Accessible toilet is by the upstairs bar, so wheelchair and scooter users need to go outside and round the corner if in the downstairs bar. Once there, all is very accessible.



Downstairs barman very helpful with choice of beers, and with directing me to the disabled toilet

Anything else you wish to tell us?

Would go again - but not in wet weather due to the toilet being upstairs and round the corner

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