Wish List! August 2014

We get asked about disabled access to venues all the time! We've decided to compile a list of some of our most frequently requested venues and activities to see if you can help by submitting a review...

NB If you're one of these places then you too can help - please list your venue now and ask your customers to review it.

Last Updated: 26th August


User Request

A user has send us this request, can you help?


Can anyone tell me about getting around in OXFORD, UK, in an electric w/chair?

1 – are the pavement flat or ‘cobblestones ‘ – painfull ride!
2 – access into those beautiful buildings?
3 – access into ‘Magdelene Collage + is there a restaurant there?
4 – are there ‘dropped’ pavements or a big ‘step down’ to cross the road?
5 – any other useful advise for booked trip Oct this year?

Thank you'


We've just published a guide to Cardiff but we are missing some information. For example it would be great to have:

  • a train station
  • a bus station
  • a hotel
  • a swimming pool or sports centre
  • a cafe

If you have been to any of the above in Cardiff, please send us your reviews and we'll add them to the guide. 


Can't find what you're looking for?

And if you can't find what you're looking for on Euan's Guide then please sign in and submit your comments.

Alternatively, use our contact formemail us or get in contact on Facebook or Twitter and we'll see if we can help!


Tags: reviews


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