Blackfriars Priory Blackfriars Priory
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Blackfriars Priory

23 Eastgate Street, Gloucester, GL1 1NS, United Kingdom | 01452 396384 | Website


Not as advertised


Visit date:

This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Wheelchair, Mobility Scooter


The event I attended was advertised as fully accessible but wasn't. Fortuneately I didn't have to use my mobility scooter on this occasion as I could park outside and the venue is fairly small but for anyone with more severe mobility problems some parts would not have been accessible. This was in part caused by a broken lift but for one part of the display you had to climb a steep, narrow staircase.

Transport & Parking


There is disabled parking right outside in the Council run car park whick is free for 3 hours.



Part of the building is very old but was accessible although for some of it you would need to use the platform lift. Another old part required climbing a steep narrow staircase. The new part would have been accessible had the lift not been out of order, but this part contained the toilets, including the accessible toilet, and they were on the first floor. Some of the paths are deep chippings that might cause problems for chais and scooters.



There was an accessible toilet but it was on the first floor and the lift was broken. I didn't use it so can't comment further.



Anything else you wish to tell us?

I understand that old buildings cannot always be made accessible but it was disappointing that it had been advertised as fully accessible when it wasn't.

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