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Button Factory

Curved Street, Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland | +353 1 670 9202 | Website
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The Button Factory, Dublin


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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Wheelchair


The Button Factory is a nifty music venue that hosts a wide array of bands, musicians and DJs. They put on regular club nights at the weekend and now, with its recent renovation, there's a new bar at the front which is very cool.

Transport & Parking


There is a wheelchair parking spot on Wellington Quay and two wheelchair parking spots up beside Dublin Castle on Cork Hill.



In at the new bar, the majority of the tables have moveable chairs and there are some high stools as well. In at the music venue, there is a fixed couch that runs around the walls as well as some moveable stools. In the hallway, the fixed couch is a great spot for people watching and gossiping. The doors are wide and relatively easy to open. The ground is a mix of carpet and black lino.



There is a lot of space and plenty of bars to hold onto in their wheelchair bathroom. It also has a sliding door so your chair won't get caught coming in or going to. They have also added more ladies and gents toilets on the ground floor so you don't have to traipse down into the basement.



The bouncers and staff seem like a sound bunch here.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

The ladies and gents are in the basement and there is a flight of stairs up to the smoking and balcony area. There is no lift. There are a couple of steps down to the music venue but there is a slope down which will bring you to the front of the stage. Since the renovation, they have cut back on some space in the venue. The door at the back of the venue immediately brings you to some steps so if you use the door at the front, you will have more space. However, it's a pity that they didn't incorporate a proper platform area for people that need a bit of a lift to enjoy a gig.

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