Doune Ponds Doune Ponds

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Doune Ponds

Doune Ponds, Doune, FK16, United Kingdom | 01786 841250
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Autumn walk beside the water



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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Walking Aid, Wheelchair, Powerchair, Mobility Scooter


A lovely Autumn walk around Doune ponds, through the woods. A couple of good viewing platforms above the water and accessible bird hides. Paths were fine even when covered in wet leaves and all mostly flat. Accessible parking was close by.

Transport & Parking


Car park was close by with blue badge spaces. It was full when we arrived but it’s quiet enough to park on roadside. There must be busses to Doune from Stirling.



Lots of smooth paths including ramped access to hides and viewing platforms. Well signed to avoid steps. Good interpretation boards.



Not close by but we went for coffee at the Smiddy which is close by (and I have previously reviewed) and has good accessible toilets.



None on site on the day we went.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

It’s always good to find a new place to go for an accessible walk with the family. I’l go again.


A map of Doune Ponds. Sign at the entrance to Doune Ponds. A sign with information on the trysting stone People walking down a wide path. A power chair user on a path across the pond. A path with leaves and trees leading to a viewing platform. A bridge leading to the viewing platform. Looking out from the viewing platform. People by the pond. View of the pond with trees on the other side. An open platform. Parking.

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