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El Piano

15-17 Grape Lane, York, YO1 7HU, United Kingdom | 01904 610676 | Website
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Lovely place but limited accessibility...


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The cafe itself is rather small and consists of one floor and upstairs functions rooms accessible only by stairs. Due to the layout of the tables it would foreseeably be difficult to navigate a wheelchair and or power chair through the building let alone get one through the door. The tables may not be high enough (approx 2ft from floor to under the table) depending on the wheelchair or power chair to fit the occupant. The restaurant serves vegan and vegetarian food including a gluten menu and often having lactose free alternatives of dishes.

Transport & Parking


I think it would be unfair to give a mark in this regard as this restaurant had no parking - be it as it is right in the centre of York. If you were travelling from outside York there are Park and Ride buses available and the closest stop would be at St Leonard's Place and then a 5 minute walk into the city centre over cobbled streets to get there.



As mentioned in the accessibility review navigating wheelchairs, power chairs and such like adaptations would be difficult in this rather small and cosy restaurant. Similarly it would be perceivably be difficult getting to the second floor since there is no lift, only a narrow set of stairs forming a spiral stair case. There is nothing in the way off ramps to assist in wheelchair accessibility, however the steps into and out of the building are level and shallow and there is only one at each entrance and exit. The menus themselves are not available in Braille or large print.



The toilets are located towards the rear of the restaurant with and uneven entry to the toilet. The toilet is unisex and not for the sole use of disabled people. There is manoeuvring space enough for a wheelchair and there are transfer rails and support bars present. Also the toilet has an emergency alarm. The tap uses lever and it mixes both hot and cold water and an automatic hand dryer is available.



The staff are friendly and regularly visit the table to check up on customers as to how their meal is and whether they would like anything else. I trust that they would quite happily cater to the needs of any of their customers and would be helpful in general.

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