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Costkea Way, Loanhead, EH20 9BY, United Kingdom | 0131 440 6600 | Website
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Visit to Edinburgh’s IKEA


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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Wheelchair, Powerchair


I visited this IKEA for the first time recently and loved the accessibility. Super thumbs up for a Changing Places toilet meant I could visit all day and didn’t have to cut my day short!

Transport & Parking


There were loads of accessible parking bays near the entrance. I believe buses stop nearby also as there is a Costco and ASDA close by too its a busy area.



To enter there are revolving doors of a push button door to the left. From there you can go up in the lift to the showroom or through doors to the shopping and warehouse area.



I used the Changing Places loo which was great. There are two red cords which I carded and really liked the sink which I can roll under. There is also a smaller accessible toilet nearby but I haven’t been in so can’t comment on accessibility.



Staff were helpful in showing us where to go and when checking out items at the till.


View of toilet in Changing Places toilet View of hoist and space in Changing Places toilet View of bed in Changing Places toilet

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