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  • Market Place Toilets

Market Place Toilets

Market Place, Ilkeston, DE7 5HY, United Kingdom | 0115 907 2244 | Website
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Public Toilets


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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Powerchair


These toilets are located in the market place near Lloyds bank. The toilets are open from 8am to 5pm Monday to Saturday and 8am to 4.30pm on a Sunday.

Transport & Parking


There are two pay and display car parks to the town centre. Pimlico Street car park is closest with free parking for badge holders in designated bays. If you need to access mobility equipment shopmobility is located close to Erewash Museum and there is a car park for members. It is only open Thursday and Saturday (9am to 2:30pm). There is a form to complete to become a member. Bus stops are either up or down a hill.



Ramped access.



These are public loos. The door is locked with a radar key (make sure door closes behind you otherwise it won't lock and is vulnerable to vandals). The door may be awkward to open for some as it has a self closing hinge. Toilet is combined with baby changing but is spacious with enough room for wheelchair and 2 people. Toilet is left sided transfer and there are rails (white) around toilet and sink. There is no emergency alarm due to it being public with no staff present. There was no bag hook and mirror wasn't too high.



Anything else you wish to tell us?

Could do with easier to open door for those with less strength.


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