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Poole Town Centre

Poole Town Centre, Poole, BH15 1BP, United Kingdom | Website
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Disabled in poole


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Blue badge holders are being charged for parking in poole unless you drive a motobilitity vehicle looks like this council puts money over the disabled ! I through my badge in the bin as it was no use to me !

Transport & Parking


The only disabled parking left in poole is the small section on the front of the harbour and that like all of the rest is only free if you have a motorbility car if you just have a blue badge you have to pay !



The dolphin center up stairs is by a small escalator it does not look like its safe for a wheelchair to small but there is a lift !



There is only one toilet left in pool and you have to pay for that unless you have a key.



Never seen any .

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Poole like every other council is cutting down on everything they can if you are disabled your blue badge is worthless as they hold their own medicals to decide that . iv been disabled since the 1980s with2 spine opps 1 knee opp ,ostio arthritis and diabetic poole council =money first disabled second !

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