Stoke Court Barn Stoke Court Barn

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Stoke Court Barn

Stoke Court Farm, Ludlow, SY8 2EQ, United Kingdom | 01584 823203 | Website
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Stoke Court Farm accommodation


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This beautifully converted barn is perfect for a holiday. It does sleep in excess of 12 people. The lower floor is completely level and very accessible. On this level, there is a spacious double bedroom, with sink and a low level counter top. There is enough space to use a mobile hoist. In addition, the owners have said that they have bed raisers so that the hoists 'feet' can fit well under the bed. Adjacent to this bedroom is a spacious wet room. There are a number of accessible features, including numerous grab rails around the shower, sink and toilet. There is also a fitted shower chair and a mobile shower chair. In addition there is a perching stool. The bathroom and bedroom are well designed and can comfortably accommodate the person with additional needs, up to two carers and a wheelchair. Also on the lower level is the kitchen, again with space to manoeuvre a wheelchair. The living/dining area is comfortable with a range of arm chairs and sofas (I am sure that the owners would also provide chair raisers for use in this room - but best to check first). At the far end of the barn, also on this floor is a multi-bed 'family' room. This is a farm, so it can be a bit muddy. That said, the parking is very close to the entrance of the building and if you use a vehicle ramp, you can park the vehicle in such a way that the wheelchair can descent straight onto the patio area and thus avoid going onto the muddy path. The owners are very friendly and happy to be accomdating,

Transport & Parking


This is a rural location so you will need your own transport. This is a farm, so it can be a bit muddy. That said, the parking is very close to the entrance of the building and if you use a vehicle ramp, you can park the vehicle in such a way that the wheelchair can descent straight onto the patio area and thus avoid going onto the muddy path. The car park can fit several vehicles.



The barn is well designed for people of both physical and mental disabilities. The lower level is completely step free and the living area is spacious, as required, it would be easy to rearrange some of the furniture to make more space but as an occupational therapist, I felt that the space as it is, is perfectly suitable for people with mobility problems. The flooring is very well maintained, there are no loose rugs/carpets. The front door is extra wide so getting mobile hoists and other equipment into the property should be relatively straight forward.



The downstairs bathroom is a purpose built wet room and has all the accessible features you would hope to find, i.e. grab rails, shower chair and punching stool. It also has a full length shower curtain around the shower area. This provides, both privacy and easy accessibility for both the person with the additional needs and the carer.



The owners are warm and friendly. They have reported that they have accommodated numerous people with additional needs over the years and seem very amenable to making any adjustments that would help make your stay more comfortable, for example, using bed raisers and suggesting local catering services.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

While I am not a wheelchair user myself, I am an occupational therapist and I was impressed with the thought and detail that went into the designing of the accessible bathroom in particular. There is an abundance of grab rails and other small aids to assist with washing. The accessible bedroom also has a sink and part of the work top is low level, enabling the person with the additional needs to maintain their independence. It is a warm and comfortable property - perfect for a family retreat.


Stoke Court Farm accommodation - Accessible bathroom Stoke Court Farm accommodation - Accessible bathroom Stoke Court Farm accommodation - Accessible bathroom Stoke Court Farm accommodation Stoke Court Farm accommodation

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