Tay Road Bridge Tay Road Bridge

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Tay Road Bridge

Tay Road Bridge, Dundee, DD1 3JB, United Kingdom | 01382 433044 | Website


Sightseer - Chapter 5

A breezy experience


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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Wheelchair, Powerchair


The unexpected often provides the best stories to take away home to tell your pals. The Tay Bridge proved to be one of those moments. Wheeling along the waterside walkway, we didn't expect to find a lift that took you up on to the Tay Bridge and the walkway that runs from one side of the river to the other! One of those magical moments as you get to go somewhere you did expect as a wheelchair user. Better access to a major road bridge than my local Pub!

Transport & Parking




Approaching the underside of the bridge you pass by the amazing artworks that happen to also be the supporting pillars of the bridge approach. A small lobby like area beckons the curious as it has a big push pad button to open the automatic door and welcome disabled visitors in. Once inside there was a lift but we weren't that sure what secrets this may hide. Was it a lift to the bridge or did it go somewhere else? Nothing else for it other than the try and see ... Going upward the lift takes you onto the bridge level and out on to an open walkway that spans the length of the bridge. If you had the stamina and didn't mind the breezy conditions you could be over and in Fife quite quickly from here. We stayed a while, admired the views of the V&A and the riverside before heading back down to explore the multi coloured artworks down below. A hidden gem with amazing photo opportunities in the bargain.






The Tay bridge sign announcing the opening anniversary The Tay Bridge lift lobby Another view of the glass clad Tay bridge lobby The colourful artworks under the bridge; created by painting the bridge's supporting pillars

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