The Barn at Beal The Barn at Beal

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The Barn at Beal

Beal Farm, Berwick-upon-Tweed, TD15 2PB, United Kingdom | 01289 540044 | Website


Fabulous place - shame about the weather!


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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Powerchair, Mobility Scooter


A great start to our Northumberland adventure - access for all, friendly staff and delicious food. I would definitely return when revisiting Northumberland

Transport & Parking


It's a very popular venue, so the carparking area (which is vast!) can get a little crowded at lunchtime. The surface is gravelly, not paved with tarmac.



We both have a physical disability and were, therefore, not mindful of hearing loops, signage....... There was a large ramped path from the carpark, a small lip at the entrance door (to the restaurant and a separate door to the Bothy Bar) and very friendly staff willing to help! Once inside, the restaurant tables had all been reserved and so we were advised to use the Bothy Bar next door. This was a cosy and informal room, space was made to accommodate my powerchair.



The accessible toilet (and all the other toilets) in a very roomy toilet area was, unfortunately, accessed via the restaurant meaning a short journey outside the Bothy Bar and into the building next door. The accessible toilet had much space to manoeuvre and all was present and correct.



The staff, especially in the Bothy Bar, were very friendly and helpful - and Sarah deserves a special mention!

Anything else you wish to tell us?

Lunch there was at the start of our coastal exploration of Northumberland - but this was diminished by the awful weather. I would definitely recommend this venue to other visitors.

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