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The Head of the River

Saint Aldate's, Oxford, OX1 4LB, United Kingdom | 01865 721600 | Website
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Accessible pub


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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Powerchair


The outside is totally accessible and the inside is small but accessible. There are some bits that are not and be warned that the pub does get very busy outside when it is sunny and this can result in a queue to sit down at a table and I can only assume it gets busy inside when it is raining.

Transport & Parking


I did not drive and because it is close to the centre of Oxford I can only assume that parking is non-existent but I do not know this. There is a bus stop close by and plenty of buses do run down the Abingdon Road.



The pub itself is quite small and some parts are raised and inaccessible but the bar can be reached in a wheelchair. There is a ramp outside towards the seating area by the river. The route into the pub is flat but tight. The menu I was given was in a paper format and I did not see any alternative format but I did not ask for one.



The toilet was quite small so I do not think you would easily fit a carer in. I had to ask where it was but it was clean and tidy. It was not a changing places toilet.



They helped me when I asked for help with the doors and loo.

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