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  • The Swan Inn

The Swan Inn

Briar Hill, Kidderminster, DY10 4SD, United Kingdom | 01562 777 302 | Website
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Difficult to get around, no disabled toilets


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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Wheelchair, Powerchair, Mobility Scooter


I came here for a classic car event in their field at the back. It was a tight squeeze getting around the terrace and it took me a while to find a door I could get in. The corridors were a squeeze and it was difficult for people to get past me trying to get the other way. I tried to get to the toilet. There were small single steps up which I could manage in my rigid manual chair (other chairs might not manage and it was probably too narrow for many chairs) but I couldn't find an accessible toilet. When I asked, one member of staff said he didn't think there was one and had to ask another member of staff, who they said they didn't have one and apologised but sounded almost like they hadn't even thought of it before. On the way back out I found it difficult to drop down the little stepped bits I had gone up on because it was too narrow to control my wheels properly and I needed to go down in a wheelie (and now there was someone behind me so I couldn't reverse up the corridor to turn around to go down backwards). There was maybe one room that I could have got around. Everywhere else was a tight squeeze. I decided not to have a drink there as I didn't feel like I was welcome (and I was still desperate for the toilet!). Instead, I wheeled all the way out the village to another pub, which was accessible and used the toilet and had a drink there, which meant I missed lots of the event at The Swan. I won't be going back to this pub.

Transport & Parking


I drove here. I don't know what the usual parking facilities are like because there was an event on so the arrangements were different from normal. The pub did have some parking but I don't know if they had wide spaces. Public transport looks to be infrequent to the village but I don't know for sure.



Well I got in and could probably have gone to the bar. One room seemed reasonably accessible. That was about it.



No accessible toilets. I saw non-disabled people using the non-accessible toilets and it looked like even they were struggling to get in and out (from the little I could see it looked like they had to get through an outer door and and inner door, with very little space between them so they had to open both at once and get through them, whilst sort of twisting round the corner) so they may be inaccessible or difficult to navigate for people with other disabilities or mobility aids as well.



Polite but seemed not that bothered that I couldn't go to the toilet.

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