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Troon Swimming Pool

Barassie Street, Troon, KA10 6LU, United Kingdom | 01292 311758 | Website
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Troon Swimming Pool - Good wheelchair access


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On my recent visit to Troon swimming pool it was clear that the venue was well facilitated for disabled people. There are large disabled parking spaces right next to the building, and a ramp with an automatic door making it easy access on entry . The building is all on one level therefore there are no stairs or lifts. All other doors inside the building had buttons which you would press for the door to open automatically, apart from the changing room door which was quite narrow. Inside the changing rooms there is not much room for movement however there is a large disabled cubicle which has a seating area to get changed and a shower if needed. The floor to get to the swimming pool is all on one level and at the poolside there is special equipment which can be used to lower wheelchair users into the pool, which means disabled swimmers can easily enter the pool. The venue also has a disabled access toilet with railings and a lot of room for movement. Into the gym the door is automatic and inside there is enough space to get around whilst using a wheelchair. The reception desk is low, therefore interaction with the receptionist would be easy. Overall, my review on Troon Swimming Pool is positive as people in a wheelchair should have nothing to worry about as they can manoeuvre around the venue easily and have an enjoyable time.

Transport & Parking


There are large disabled parking spaces right next to the venue. There is also a bus stop across the road from the swimming pool, with traffic lights in which you can cross at safely.



There was no steps as the venue is all on one level, with a ramp and automatic door to gain entry to the building. All doors were automatic therefore easy access. There was also a disabled toilet and changing room.



The toilet was large with easy access and the ability to manoeuvre around inside the toilet was good. There could have been more sings to direct you to where the toilet was but other than that it was very good.



Staff were friendly and approachable.

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