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Balmoral Arms

13-15 Victoria Road, Ballater, AB35 5RA, United Kingdom | 01339 755413 | Website


Evening meal in restaurant


Visit date:

This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Wheelchair


We were staying in the area with my aunt and uncle, and had phoned the hotel earlier in the. Day to check on access for wheelchair users and to see if they had a table for dinner that night. We were told it was fully accessible. they had a suitable table. So we booked that I explained about my allergies and they said no problem at all. Upon arrival my aunt went inside as there were two steps up into the hotel. The receptionist produced a metal ramp which went over the steps . It wasn’t easy to get the wheelchair up the ramp as it kept sliding across the steps. My husband had in the meantime returned as he had gone to park the car in the main town at park opposite after dropping me outside and getting me in my wheelchair. It took my aunt, uncle and husband to get me up the ramp. Once inside there was so much space to move around with the wheelchair, we had too go through the lounge to access the restaurant . Tables were spaced well apart so plenty of space for me . The staff in the restaurant were very helpful and were able to tell us if any ingredients I’m allergic to were in what I wanted for my meal. The menu had quite a choice suitable for all. My aunt is vegetarian she was surprised by how much she had to choose from. I must say all our meals were well presented and beautifully cooked . We really enjoyed the evening . Unfortunately leaving the hotel was quite a different issue. We had to ask for the ramp. The young man looked at us and said can’t you lift it down the steps. Too which my husband said no, we need the ramp. Which he did eventually get but had no idea how it worked . My aunt, uncle and husband tried to explain to him how to use it. He did eventually get it down but the. Ramp is so small it hardly covered the steps . Again it took the three of them to get me onto the ramp as it kept moving . My chair was just on the top of the ramp when my uncle went to push it down the ramp , the ramp with my chair on slipped off the step and a landed with quite a thud on the next step not a nice experience at all. This did spoil what had been a lovely meal . I did contact the hotel upon my return home and explain the issues we had and gave suggestions as to how they couldn’t improve access. They did email back and say sorry and would get a better ramp. It remains to be seen if they do. We would visit again as the food was excellent. But I would make sure I had my special crutches with me, which I could manage with along with help from my husband and get up the two steps And just put the wheelchair at the top of the steps inside the hotel.

Transport & Parking


We arrived by car and we’re leaving to park outside the entrance to drop me off. My husband then moved. The car to the main town car park opposite , they have dedicated spaces for blue badge holders .



Not at all good ramp so small it hardly covered the steps and it kept moving across the step when trying to push the wheelchair up coming out was difficult the staff member had no idea how to use the ramp and was certainly unhelpful. The ramp slipped off the top step when I was being pushed down and landed with a thud on the next step



Assume they must have accessible toilets given it’s a hotel but I didn’t see any



Staff in the restaurant were extremely helpful and nice, but other staff not so

Anything else you wish to tell us?

They did have hand sanitizer at the entrance and staff had masks on. The food was excellent, and because off that we would go back , i would just make sure I had my special crutches and help from my husband to get up the two steps. just a pity about the access . Hopefully they will take on board what I said in my email to them and make. Improvements.

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