Berlinische Galerie Berlinische Galerie

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Berlinische Galerie

Alte Jakobstraße 124-128, Berlin, 10969 Berlin, Germany | +49 30 78902600 | Website


Reviewer of the Year - 2015

Interesting museum of modern art, photography & architecture



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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Wheelchair


This new gallery could not be more wheelchair-friendly and is an attractive example of Contemporary architecture. The main display features work by Berlin artists from 1880 onwards. There are also changing displays by contemporary artists and photographers. The cafe is excellent too.

Transport & Parking


Bus 248 from Alexanderplatz gets you to the Jewish Museum in Lindenstraße, which is a short level walk from the Berlinische Galerie. The nearest U-bahn stations (Koch Straße and Hallesches Tor) are both wheelchair accessible but are both approx. 15 minutes wheel/walk away, with some busy roads to cross. The Galerie has a small car park behind it, accessed from Late Jakobstraße, and we saw one space reserved for wheelchair users.



Excellent. Well signed, with a push button automatic door to enter the building. Internal doors, including access to Cafe Dix, are also push-button automatic. There is a lift to the upper level so all parts of the building are wheelchair-accessible. Exhibits are hung so that wheelchair users do not have to crane their necks to see them, and display cases can be viewed from a wheelchair - not always the case in museums.



Push button automatic door. Plenty of circulating space. Good grab rails and a wheelchair-friendly wash basin. The buttons to lock, unlock and open the door are positioned at an appropriate level for a wheelchair user, and the alarm cord stretches almost to the floor. Be warned: the loo auto-flushes once minute, which was a bit disconcerting.



Pleasant and very helpful. It was Happy Monday, so all adults were being admitted for half price (€4). Wheelchair accompanists get in free.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

Cafe Dix, in one wing of the building, serves drink, snacks and lunches and we enjoyed an excellent light lunch there. The interior is very purple. We ate outside on the terrace!


Picture of Berlinische Galerie A wheelchair-friendly display case Picture of Berlinische Galerie Picture of Berlinische Galerie Wacky exhibit which visitors were invited to balance on their heads. We passed on that.

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