Bolton Abbey Bolton Abbey

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Bolton Abbey

Bolton Abbey, Skipton, BD23 6AL, United Kingdom | 01756 718000 | Website


Outdoors - Chapter 4

Bolton Abbey



Visit date:

This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Wheelchair, Mobility Scooter


Whilst technically accessible, - you can access all of the ruins (though they're not extensive) - the uneven grassy slopes can make the approach difficult. The grassy slope down to the river is pleasant enough but the accessible route doesn't go very far - basically over the field as far as the river. You can get over the bridge next to the stepping stones but the path at the far end turns tightly, has a difficult tilting section where I needed help and doesn't really lead anywhere.

Transport & Parking


We parked in the Bolton Abbey car park. Disabled spaces provided (not many but near the shop end). You pay per car - £8 and no blue badge concession. No separate fee for the abbey.



To get to the ruins we had to travel along pavements and roadside path. Once in the site! The path was a good surface and mostly level. The steepest section was the first bit but was managed unaided. The paths inside the ruin were compacted earth - mostly firm and a bit uneven by the gate (help needed). Down to the river was a mixture of track and grass. Up to the church and the gate at point 7 on the map (see photo), was a surfaced path but the last few yards were steepish, again needing help. The church was very accessible with plenty of turning space.



I presume there was an accessible loo but I didn't see one.



No staff other than car park attendant.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

I had high hopes having read other reviews but was a little disappointed frankly - there's just not much here. Once a car park ticket is bought you can access all of the estate car parks - I would recommend relocating to Riverside to access the accessible route at Strid Wood - far more my cup of tea!


Picture of Bolton Abbey Photo of an archway. Photo of the Abbey. Photo of the grounds. Photo of the Abbey. Photo of an archway.

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