William Booth Birthplace Museum William Booth Birthplace Museum

William Booth Birthplace Museum

14 Notintone Place, Nottingham, NG2 4QG, United Kingdom | 0115 979 3464 | Website
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Getting Here

The museum is about a mile from Nottingham Rail Station. There is an accessible taxi rank near the station on Station Street. It takes about 5 minutes to drive from the station to the museum. The Number 43 bus comes right past the museum along Sneinton Road. Get off at the Sneinton Road/Windmill Lane stop. Not far from the bus stop, to the right of the row of shops facing Sneinton Road, there is a slight slope that leads up to a metal gate which leads into a courtyard and the museum.


There is a staff car park located behind a cluster of Salvation Army buildings, which visitors may use. The entrance to the staff car park is from Harold Street. If coming from the city centre and coming up Sneinton Road, turn left onto Windmill Lane, turn left onto Harold Street and then turn immediately left through a metal gate set in a red brick wall fence and into the car park. There is a disabled space. Take the slight ramp leading from the car park down to the far right door into the Salvation Army Community Centre. Once through the door, go down a long hallway and out the door at the other end of the hallway. This leads into a courtyard and the museum is on one side of the courtyard.

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