An accessible toilet is #NotACupboard

An illustration of toilet doors and clutter bursting out of the accessible loo.

Every year on World Toilet Day, Euan’s Guide aims to highlight the issues faced by disabled people every day as they use toilets in public. Whether it’s tied up emergency cords, misuse or indeed the lack of accessible loos out there, we use this day to raise awareness and drive change.

This year we’re highlighting the problem of toilets being used for storage because we see reviewers writing about this again and again. We need as many people as possible to share their stories to help educate and spread the message that an accessible toilet is #NotACupboard.

How to help

1. Share stories of the things you have found in accessible loos using @EuansGuide and #NotACupboard. Alternatively, you can email us and we’ll share for you!

2. Make sure you’re following our campaign on World Toilet Day (19th November) to see what people have been telling us. Look out for #NotACupboard on our social media channels and check our website for the whole story.

3. Add reviews to Euan’s Guide not forgetting to mention the accessible loo (if there was one). This is one of the best ways to tell venues if their toilet is up to scratch or not. A little bit of feedback can go a long way. Add a review here.

Tags: toilets


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