Frequently Asked Questions


Who is behind Euan’s Guide?

The charity was founded in 2013 by Euan MacDonald MBE, a powerchair user and his sister Kiki. Euan and Kiki work in the Old Town of Edinburgh alongside their team: a friendly bunch who are passionate about accessibility. You can meet the team on this page

Who is Euan’s Guide for?

Euan’s Guide is designed to help disabled people, their friends, family, and carers find and share reviews on the accessibility of venues across the UK and beyond. It is for anyone interested in finding out about disabled access at places they want to visit, and for people who want to contribute their own reviews of disabled access at restaurants, hotels, shops and more.

The site is also for places and spaces to find out more about accessibility and to share their disabled access information with potential visitors online. Find out more about Euan’s Guide >>

Is the website only for disabled people to use?

No, as it’s not only disabled people who may be interested in finding disabled access information. It could be people looking for somewhere to go with friends or family members, carers wanting to organise a visit, or simply anyone who wants to find a place to go with good disabled access. Those who have listed a venue on Euan’s Guide can receive our venue newsletter filled with top tips and to keep them up to date with the latest news.

What is the difference between a review and a venue listing?

Reviews are submitted by people who want to share their experience of disabled access at a place they have visited. Venue listings are submitted by business owners or venue managers to describe what their disabled access is like and what facilities they have.

How do I register?

You can register here

I’ve forgotten my password what should I do?

You can reset your password on this page. We will send you an email with instructions on how to reset your password. If you haven’t received an email, please check your spam / junk folder. If you can’t reset your password, please email and we’ll be happy to help you.

Do you have a brochure of disabled access reviews or are you online only?

With new reviews being added daily, Euan's Guide works best online. We do not have a printed brochure of disabled access reviews, but you might be interested in taking a look at the accessible highlights guides we have produced for Scotland, one looks at the country’s castles and battlefields and the others focus on Dundee and Fife. Access the guides here.

If you are looking for something in particular we encourage you to get in touch with us! Email or call 0131 510 5106.


How do I add a review?

You can add a review by clicking the button at the top right of the screen which says ‘Write a Review’. If you are a new visitor you will be asked to create a username and password at the end of your review. Please complete this or we will not be able to publish your review. Submit a review now!

Can I add a review of somewhere that is not listed on the website?

Yes, absolutely. Once published we will contact the venue with to suggest that they list themselves.

Can I edit a review once it’s submitted?

You will be able to edit your review after it has been published. Simply log in and go to your profile ( where you will be able to see all of your published reviews. Click ‘Edit Review’ beside the review you wish to make changes to. Any changes you make will be sent back to us to process and will be re-published as soon as possible.

Can I add a review using audio, video or BSL?

We’re always looking at ways to make it easier to send us your experiences of disabled access. In 2024 we’re trialling reviewing using WhatsApp meaning you can review by sending us: Video, British Sign Language (BSL), and audio. TextGet started: 07585 772197

Do you tell the venue what I’ve said?

Yes, venues will receive every review written about them! They can also reply to your review on Euan’s Guide.


What is a venue?

A venue can be anywhere really! We have reviews and listings of Post Offices, museums, tram stops, gardens, airports, shops, hotels and more…You can list any place from any country!

How do I list my venue on the website?

To add your venue, click on the 'Venues' tab at the top of the screen. If you are a new visitor you will be asked to create a username and password. List your venue now!

It looks like my venue is already listed, but I don't have the log in details?

Someone who works at your venue may have listed your information in the past. It may be that they no longer work at your venue and the log-in details are now unknown. Check that nobody in your team has taken responsibility for the listing, then get in touch with us by emailing to change ownership of your venue's listing on Euan's Guide.  

Why do I have to add pictures before my venue can be published?

A picture really is worth a thousand words, and our reviewers are always telling us how helpful it is to be able to see an image of the venue being described. The most useful pictures are those that tell the viewer something about your access, this could include pictures of your front door, the entrance lobby, your accessible toilet and the primary space inside your venue.

Can I list more than one venue?

If you manage more than one venue, you can list as many as you like!

I don’t think my venue has good wheelchair access. Should I still list on the website?

Yes, as Euan’s Guide is for all disabled people, friends, families and carers, not just wheelchair users. Your venue might not be ideal for wheelchair users, but could be of interest to other disabled people.

How do I add an event?

Listed venues can add events. Log in and head to your profile. From there you can click ‘Go to Venue’ beside whichever venue you wish to add an event for. Select ‘What’s On’ and then click ‘Add Event’. Fill out the form and press submit.

Can I edit an event?

Yes. Once you are logged in, go to your profile and click ‘Go to Venue’ followed by the ‘What’s On’ tab. Select ‘Edit Event’.

Can I update my venue information once I've listed?

Yes, and we encourage it! Log in and go to your profile. Beside the venue you wish to update, click ‘Edit Venue’. Once you have submitted your changes they will be sent for us to process and added to the site as soon as possible.

What do I do if I get a bad review?

It doesn't happen that often, but sometimes a user may leave a negative review about a venue. Registered venues have the opportunity to publicly respond to any reviews that they receive and address any issues that may have been raised.

How do I respond to a review?

It is possible to publicly reply to people who have reviewed your venue on Euan’s Guide. Select the review you wish to respond to and scroll to the bottom of the review where it says ‘Comments’. You can type your reply into the comments box, but remember to tick the square that says ‘Post as official response from your venue.’ Your comment will appear below the review and the reviewer will be notified.

Red Cord Cards

What is a Red Cord Card?

A pocket-sized awareness raising card that is designed to easily attach onto emergency red cords in accessible toilets. Often these cords can be tied up, too short, tucked away or otherwise incorrectly placed creating a dangerous situation. Leave a red cord card behind wherever you come across an emergency cord (good or bad) to inform people that the cord must hang freely all the way to the ground, and help spread the word on social media by using #RedCordCards and #SetTheCordsFree.

Where do I get Red Cord Cards?

Members of the public can request Red Cord Cards at no charge from Euan’s Guide by going to Public places and businesses can also request Red Cord Cards for their premises in return for a small donation to Euan’s Guide.  

Euan's Guide App

Do you have an app?

Our app is in redevelopment. We recommend that you use the mobile site to access Euan's Guide on the move. If you already have the app installed it will continue to work, but for the best experience we recommend using our mobile site.


How is Euan's Guide funded?

We are a charity and we receive funding from a mixture of trusts, foundations and donations. You can find out more about our funding here. If you are interested and able to leave a donation you can do so here.

I have another question, what should I do?

If we haven’t answered your question, please email or call 0131 510 5106 and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Last Updated - July 2019