Euan's Guide Beta Launch

Euan's Guide Beta Launch article image

We're currently in beta* and would be delighted to hear what you think of the site. Please do get in touch and let us know what you think...

What we have done...

We have created a website that we hope will act as a huge knowledge bank - full of places to go & things to see - and, with that most important feature - user reviews. Its power comes from being independent and the participation of disabled people in submitting reviews and commenting on venues.

Research and User Testing

This site is predominantly for disabled people, their family, friends and carers. So we have asked lots of disabled people, family, friends and carers - of which we are some ourselves. We have listened and tried to create a friendly, engaging and easy to use website. Please take a look around, sign up, post some reviews & then tell us what you think…

Accessibility Testing

We're a website all about physical accessibility so we're also working hard to ensure that we have virtual accessibility. 

We started the website design and build with accessibility as one of the key considerations and it has been at the forefront throughout the whole process. We recently underwent an accessibility audit, and even after all this planning we can say that we definitely weren't perfect! But that has given us some more key areas to work on and improvements to make for our next roll out. 

We have tested the site using “Tools of the trade” including:

  • Magnification
  • Screen readers
  • Keyboard command and control
  • On-screen keyboards
  • Voice command and control
  • Eye command and control
  • Touch pad command and control
  • Magnification and speech
  • Speech and magnification
  • Voice navigation and speech

If you wish to tell us about an accessibility issue with the website then please do get in touch.

What we are continuing to do...

Lots! We already have several things that we're going to be rolling out in the next version, but we still need your help.

If there is anything that you think we can make better - please let us know!

* A couple of people have asked us what 'beta' means. Basically it means that we have released the site to our visitors even though we know it needs further work. We have done this to gain feedback, to build content and for evaluation before everything is finalised for our full public launch. 

Tags: technology


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