How to start a reviewing habit in 2019

Illustration of a town with mountains.

Drinking more water, reading more books, making your bed; there are lots of good habits out there, but we can't think of a better one than helping others. So, how do you get into the habit of helping people? One way is to contribute access reviews to Euan's Guide!

Every time you add a review to Euan's Guide - short, long, text or video - you're making it easier for disabled people to find great places to go. Whether it's a quick review of your local post office or a detailed account of access at a coffee shop you love, you're making a difference.

We've got a few tips to help you get into the habit of reviewing this year! Ready?

1. Take pictures of places you visit using your phone. This will help prompt you to review later and remind you of the little details. You might even get some good Instagram photos out of it! Adding these photos to Euan's Guide can be a big bonus for people who are reading your reviews. Pictures of accessible features especially are like gold dust but can make a huge difference to people as they try to decipher how accessible somewhere is.

2. Review on you mobile or tablet to save time. Our website is designed for mobile devices which means you can submit a quick review the next time you're waiting on a drinks bill or sitting on a bus!

3. Challenge yourself! If you're really committed to helping disabled people, set yourself a reviewing target. Could you review ten places in a month? Five? Make it official by telling us your target and we'll support you along the way!

4. If you regularly find yourself on social media, start using our Facebook review form! Our new form is desktop-only for now, but it's a quick way to add a review without leaving the platform.

Do you think you can review more in 2019? We do! Start a review.


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