New Features!

An illustration of the new comments feature.

We’ve been busy at Euan’s Guide making our website even better. We are pleased to announce two new features today.


Our reviewers can now add comments to reviews. Maybe you have a question about the accessibility of a theatre or the quality of the food at a restaurant, you can now use our comments feature to ask the reviewer directly. You can only post comments if you have reviewed three places or more. So get reviewing to unlock this feature!

Town Pages

We have created town pages to give you a guide to our most reviewed cities and towns across the UK. Check out these great examples:


If you have any tips for getting around your town or maybe you have a favourite place that everyone should visit, email us at and we’ll add your top tips to our new town pages.


Photos are a great way to add more detail to your reviews. Photos of accessible toilets are especially useful because they allow people to see what facilities are available and if the toilet is big enough for their needs. After you have submitted a review, you will be asked if you wish to upload a photo.


We’re always looking for better ways to do things. If you have a suggestion or comment about the site, please do get in touch. We’d love to hear from you!



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Will we also be able to add comments to news posts?