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The Barley Mow The Barley Mow
0.00 km

82 Duke Street, London

1 3
"A friendly cosy pub with a couple of accessibility problems"

The Barley Mow is a pub in London and is part of the Taylor Walker Group. All information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you represent this pub please su...

The Langham The Langham
0.73 km

1c Portland Place, Regent Street, London

1 5
"Exquisite Afternoon Tea in opulent surroundings "

Discover The Langham, London hotel with luxurious guestrooms and suites, 15 function rooms, Chuan Spa, fine dining restaurant, Roux at The Landau and Palm Court, famed as the place where the tradit...

Hide Hide
0.89 km

85 Piccadilly, London

0 0

Hailed by the media as one of the most eagerly awaited restaurants of 2018, Hide is a joint project between Hedonism Wines and Ollie Dabbous. Opened in April 2018, within six months it had been aw...

The Kings Arms The Kings Arms
0.99 km

3 Poland Street, London

1 2
"It's very difficult to get in, and there's no accessible toilet"

The Kings Arms is an old historic pub in Poland street and is popular with the gay crowd in the area. They host regular karaoke sessions. The Kings Arms Pub has not provided any information.

The Globe The Globe
1.09 km

47 Marylebone Road, London

1 2.5
"Agreeable pub, dreadful "accessible" (??) toilet"

The Globe Pub, Marylebone Road, London serves drinks and food.  All information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you represent this pub please submit your i...

The Albany The Albany
1.26 km

240 Great Portland Street, London

1 5
"Accessible pub"

The Albany is in London. All the information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you represent this location please submit your information using the 'Venues'...

Comptons of Soho Comptons of Soho
1.28 km

53 Old Compton Street, London

1 2
"Ramp access at the entrance, no accessible toilet, manager hasn't trained staff properly"

Compons of Soho is a large pub in the heart of Soho and prolific venue in London's gay scene. Euan's Guide is yet to recieve any information about this venue's disabled access. If you represent...

1-10 of 133 results shown