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Ole & Steen Ole & Steen
1.50 km

1 Bedford Avenue, London

1 5
"Excellent food and service"

The all-day bakery from Denmark. All the information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you represent this location please submit your information using the...

M&M's World M&M's World
1.51 km

Leicester Square, London

2 3.5
"If you can handle crowds, it is well worth the visit"

M&M's World is in London. All the information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you represent this location please submit your information using the 'Ve...

Foyles Bookshop Foyles Bookshop
1.54 km

107 Charing Cross Road, London

1 3
"New flagship bookshop, impressively accessible, a few problems"

Foyles Bookshop  is a chain of book shops. It is best known for its flagship store at 113–119 Charing Cross Road, London. Foyles Bookshop has not provided any information.

Waterstones Waterstones
1.63 km

82 Gower Street, London

1 1
"Not at all recommended for wheelchair users"

Waterstones, Gower Street, London has not yet completed its listing. If you represent this venue, or its parent company, please submit your information usining the 'Venues' tab above.

Fopp Fopp
1.68 km

1 Earlham Street, London

1 1
"Difficult to get around, unreliable lift"

Fopp, Earlham Street, London is a retailer of Music, DVDs, Blu-rays, books and related merchandise. The information we have for Fopp, Earlham Street has been submitted by visitors to the store in...

Cass Art Cass Art
1.70 km

13 Charing Cross Road, London

0 0

As the oldest of our six art shops, central London’s Charing Cross branch is located in the home of the city’s colour-making business. Cass Art is proud to continue the tradition with the help of...

Carhartt Carhartt
1.70 km

15-17 Earlham Street, London

1 4.5
"Acccessible at last! Worth a visit."

Carhartt, Earlham Street is in London.  All the information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you represent this location please submit your information usin...

31-40 of 110 results shown