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Osteria Margherita Osteria Margherita
8.68 km

Via Praga, 11, Rome

1 3
"It's Pizza Jim but not as we know it!"

Osteria Margherita, Eur Torrino is a pizza restaurant in Rome selling a selection of pizzas. All information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you represent...

Er Macellaio Er Macellaio
11.68 km

Viale Aurelio Galleppini, 60/66, Rome

1 3
"Mussels and tiramasu"

Er Macellaio is a restaurant in Rome.  All information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you represent this restaurant please submit your information using t...

21-22 of 22 results shown