Akita Station Akita Station

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Akita Station

2 Chome-8 Nakadori, Akita, 010-0001, Japan | Website
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Loads of lifts!


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Akita Station is the main station in the city. Shinkansen/Super High Speed services to and from Tokyo stop here. The station is also a hub for local rail and bus services.

Transport & Parking


There are taxi companies in the city that can take wheelchairs, but you will need to call to have one pick you up from the station. Tran accessibility in Japan is variable. Manual ramps can be used on newer trains and the bullet train, but older rolling stock on lines like the Gono line only has stepped access. It is strongly recommended to book a wheelchair space if you are looking to travel by bullet train.



The station building has been modernised over the last decade. There are several accessible toilets with button operated automatic doors and numerous lifts and travelators to make getting around easier. There are level changes when you go into the station and when you want to go to the platforms. Lifts are generally signposted. Tactile paving strips guide you along key routes through the station building.



Cannot comment as I didn't use them. I noticed several well-signposted accessible toilets as I passed through the station. It is common practice for large public buildings in Japan to class accessible toilets as 'multi purpose' toilets. These will typically include baby changing and ostomate equipment as well as grab handles and space for side transfers.



Polite and efficient - knowledge of Japanese is useful if you want to get things done quickly.


Decorative lanterns on display in the station foyer. Main ticket gate for super high speed trains. Photo showing the east entrance lift and tactile paving strips leading to the lift. Tactile map of the station with braille labels.

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