Duck Bay Hotel & Restaurant Duck Bay Hotel & Restaurant

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Duck Bay Hotel & Restaurant

Duck Bay Hotel, Alexandria, G83 8QZ, United Kingdom | 01389 751234 | Website


Food Lover - Course 1

Loch Lomond views


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This review is for the outdoor seating at Duck Bay. We sat outside and were served from the counter outside. However, we felt that both the outside and inside seemed to have good level access. I have not been inside the hotel area so I can't comment on the hotel's accessibility.

Transport & Parking


Parking is available by the hotel with some accessible spaces. There is a larger car park across the road specifically for Duck Bay customers.



Ramped access for everyone to the main entrance. A staff member was positioned at the entrance so would be able to help with doors if required. Path round the back of the building is flat and there is plenty of space to move between the outdoor tables. The tables may have been more spread out than normal because of Covid-19. There is also an exit from the restaurant which has both a ramp and steps leading to the outdoor seating. The outdoor counter is quite high so it can be hard to see the sandwiches but there is a lowered counter by the ice-cream to see the selection. A staff member was also there who could explain what was available.



I did not use the accessible toilet but I am told there was one near the restaurant entrance. There was a one way system in use for moving around the restaurant. People who can wear masks are asked to wear them when moving around inside.



Staff were nice and helpful. We ordered from the outside counter where there is a more limited selection available. There is not table service in the outside area.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

Markers on the ground to make sure people say a safe distance away when waiting on a table. Hand sanitiser at the entrance. One way markers inside the restaurant. Staff all wearing masks.


Duck Bay entrance Outdoor counter Ramp from the restaurant to the outdoor seating Outdoor seating overlooking the loch Outdoor seating Entrance to the restaurant with tape to ensure social distancing.

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