San Cristóbal Island San Cristóbal Island

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San Cristóbal Island

San Cristóbal Island, San Cristóbal, EC, Ecuador

Galapagos for all



Visit date:

This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Walking Aid, Mobility Scooter


This was the second part of my visit to Ecuador booked through Disabled Access Holidays. I stayed in the accessible Casa Playa Mann and had the help of 2 guides. Wilson is a self-employed, qualified Galapagos guide and Paul works for Galakiwi a company supplying scuba and other water sport gear as well as wheelchairs allowing access to some challenging landscapes. I went snorkelling, floated on a beach wheelchair a Loberia, went round the giant tortoise breeding centre, where the paths are composed of huge lumps of lava.

Transport & Parking


The airports in Ecuador were fine.



Access on SAN Cristobal is variable, but the guides are so good and have the right equipment so I had no problem



My room had a fully accessible wet room.



Guides were friendly and very helpful, hotel staff also.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

Just go, it’s fabulous.


Hotel breakfast area Sample wheelchairs Blue footed booby Marine iguana Sea lion

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