We're looking for a volunteer!

Want to volunteer?

Would you like to join the Euan’s Guide team in Edinburgh? We’ve got a new marketing and admin role open to ProjectScotland volunteers! Visit ProjectScotland to apply now >>

What’s the role?

Do you love to write, communicate and come up with new ideas? If so, we’d love to have you join our team of volunteers! We’re looking for someone with a flair for writing who is skilled at communicating in person, over the phone and by email. As our marketing and admin assistant, you’ll be helping us to promote Euan’s Guide and using social media to spread the word about disabled access reviews. Find all the details at ProjectScotland >>

Before you apply, don’t forget to take a look at our social media channels and the news section of our website to get an idea of what kinds of projects you might be working on!

If you’re curious, you can read what our volunteers have said about working with Euan’s Guide here.

Locations: Edinburgh

Tags: volunteers


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