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Café 1505 Café 1505
0.00 km

18 Nicolson Street, Edinburgh

4 4.4
"Accessible but not very covid safe"

Cafe 1505 is located on Nicolson Street, and is owned by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. It serves fresh seasonal produce with vegan and vegetarian options. Also delicious cakes and c...

Spoon Bistro Spoon Bistro
0.06 km

6a Nicolson Street, Edinburgh

1 4
"Chairlift access and very friendly, helpful staff."

The Spoon Bistro is a cafe restaurant in Edinburgh. The Spoon Bistro has not yet completed its listing. If you are from The Spoon Bistro, please submit your venue information using the List My...

The Mosque Kitchen The Mosque Kitchen
0.07 km

31-33 Nicolson Square, Edinburgh

1 5
"Mind blowing food, canteen style "

The Mosque Kitchen is in Edinburgh.  All the information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you represent this location please submit your information using t...

Potterrow Potterrow
0.20 km

Potterrow, Edinburgh

2 4.2
"EUSA, Potterrow, Edinburgh"

Potterow is a bar and cafe in a student union building at Edinburgh University. It has a relaxed atmosphere. All the information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of revie...

Dovecot Studios Dovecot Studios
0.21 km

10 Infirmary Street, Edinburgh

2 4.8
"Great visit for exhibition "

Dovecot Studios is housed in the Old Infirmary Baths and is home to Dovecot Tapestry Studio, a world renowned producer of hand-woven tapestry and gun-tufted rugs. Continuing a century-long heritag...

Coffee Angel Coffee Angel
0.21 km

99 Nicolson Street, Edinburgh

1 4.5
"Coffee Angel, Nicholson Street, Edinburgh"

Coffee Angel is a coffee shop on Nicholson Street in Edinburgh.  All the information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you represent this coffee shop please...

Paradise Palms Paradise Palms
0.23 km

41 Lothian Street, Edinburgh

2 2.5
"Awkward Access"

Paradise Palms is a bar, diner and event venue in Edinburgh.  All the information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you represent this venue please submit yo...

Bedlam Theatre Bedlam Theatre
0.34 km

11B Bristo Place, Edinburgh

0 0

Bedlam Theatre is an historic, A-listed building situated in the heart of Edinburgh. It operates as the Edinburgh University Theatre Company's student-run theatre during term-time and transforms i...

1-10 of 180 results shown