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The Cavendish The Cavendish
0.31 km

81 Jermyn Street, London

0 0

The Cavendish London is in the ideal spot for a stay in the Capital, with Buckingham Palace right round the corner and other top attractions just a stones throwaway. Boasting 230 bedrooms and home...

Simit Sarayi Simit Sarayi
0.31 km

1 Leicester Square, London

1 5
"Fresh, delicious food in the heart of the city."

Simit Sarayi is in London. All the information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you represent this location please submit your information using the 'Venue...

Pret A Manger Pret A Manger
0.31 km

93-95 Wardour Street, London

1 0
"Not accessible to wheelchairs despite website promise"

Pret A Manger, Wardour Street is part of the Pret A Manger cafe chain and is located in London.  Pret A Manger, Wardour Street, London has not provided any information

The Londoner Hotel The Londoner Hotel
0.32 km

38 Leicester Square, London

1 2.5
"A huge disappointment. Do not go if you need hoisting facilities."

Overlooking Leicester Square, this hotel is 2 minutes' walk from the National Portrait Gallery, 3 minutes away from a tube station and a 15-minute walk from the British Museum. All the information...

China Exchange China Exchange
0.32 km

32A Gerrard Street, London

1 5
"Step free venue, with great staff in the heart of London's Chinatown offering talks by famous people + other events"

China Exchange, Gerrard Streetis in London. All the information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you represent this location please submit your information...

Comptons of Soho Comptons of Soho
0.33 km

53 Old Compton Street, London

1 2
"Ramp access at the entrance, no accessible toilet, manager hasn't trained staff properly"

Compons of Soho is a large pub in the heart of Soho and prolific venue in London's gay scene. Euan's Guide is yet to recieve any information about this venue's disabled access. If you represent...

Balans Soho Society Balans Soho Society
0.35 km

60-62 Old Compton Street, London

1 0
"No welcome for wheelchair users here - zero stars"

Balans Soho Society is a restaurant in London. All the information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you represent this location please submit your informat...

Royal Academy of Arts Royal Academy of Arts
0.35 km

Burlington House, Piccadilly, London

4 4.6
"A great pleasure to visit"

We’re run by the Royal Academicians, artists and architects elected by their peers in recognition of their exceptional work. We’re home to Britain’s longest established art school, the RA Schools....

41-50 of 1048 results shown