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The British Library The British Library
0.00 km

96 Euston Road, London

4 5
"Very accessible for wheelchair users - top marks"

The British Library is in London.  All the information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you represent this location please submit your information using the...

The Euston Flyer The Euston Flyer
0.15 km

83-87 Euston Road, London

1 3.5
"Wheelchair accessible pub"

Pub close to mainline station with draught ales, bottled beers and traditional pub food. All the information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you represent...

Pizza Express Pizza Express
0.15 km

99 Euston Road, London

1 4
"Italian feast"

Pizza Express is in London. All the information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you represent this location please submit your information using the 'Venu...

Eurostar Eurostar
0.19 km

Euston Road, London

3 4.3
"It's a fantastic service - but be prepared"

Eurostar is an international high-speed rail service connecting the United Kingdom with France, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Eurostar trains travel through the Channel Tunnel between the United K...

Carluccio's Carluccio's
0.19 km

St Pancras International Station, London

2 4.5
"Nice restaurant with delicious food but accessible toilets hidden behind Staff Only signed door"

Carluccio's, St Pancras Station, London is an Italian cafe-deli.  Carluccio's, St Pancras Station, London has not provided any information

Francis Crick Institute Francis Crick Institute
0.20 km

1 Midland Road, London

1 4.5
"Fascinating - step free centre offering interesting public exhibitions and events about science and health"

Francis Crick Institute is in London. All the information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you represent this location please submit your information using...

1-10 of 1050 results shown