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Barnsdale Gardens

The Avenue, Oakham, LE15 8AH, United Kingdom | 01572813200 | Website

Watercolour Painting: 'Blue Hibiscus'

Watercolour Painting: 'Blue Hibiscus' article image

Join local artist Sandra Peck's for a really enjoyable, relaxed and informative day. It doesn't matter whether you are a beginner or have been painting for a while. Follow a step-by-step demonstration to learn how to shape these beautiful flowers with wet-into-wet watercolour. You can paint them simply or with a drippy background - beautiful either way!
Price includes tea/coffee throughout the day, an afternoon cream tea, as well as entry into the Gardens.
Sandra can provide all the basic materials you will require for an extra £6 (Please order when booking)

Total Price: £67.50
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