Birmingham Hippodrome Birmingham Hippodrome

Birmingham Hippodrome

Hurst Street, Birmingham, B5 4TB, United Kingdom | 0121 689 1060 | Website

Same Same... But Different

Same Same... But Different article image
Sensory Friendly

Same Same…But Different is a new family show, mixing Kathak and contemporary dance, live music and physical storytelling, to create a playful and colourful world, exploring our curiosities and fears, the times we feel different and when we belong.

Inspired by the well-known Anglo-Asian phrase ‘same, same…but different’, meaning “Yes, something kind of similar, but not the exact same thing”, our 3 dancer-musicians conjure a magical atmosphere where we celebrate our individuality, diversity and the bonds which connect us all.

Same, Same…But Different has been made working in collaboration with a number of primary schools in Birmingham and London and the children’s creative ideas and lived experiences of being different and belonging have been brought into the show.

The project brings together two leading British female artists: Sonia Sabri, Artistic Director of Sonia Sabri Company (SSCo), and Sue Buckmaster, Artistic Director of Theatre Rites, showcasing a powerhouse of dance theatre for all the family.

Same Same…But Different is commissioned by Birmingham Hippodrome and The Place, with support from Birmingham Royal Ballet.
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