Broughty Ferry Harbour Broughty Ferry Harbour

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Broughty Ferry Harbour

Castle Approach, Dundee, DD5 2TF, United Kingdom | Website


Sightseer - Chapter 5

Spectacular views across the Harbour, the Castle and beyond


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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Long Cane, Powerchair


Broughty Ferry Harbour was a discovery that took the imagination back in time. With a castle on one side, the tidal harbour in the centre and the two pier like breakwaters there was a lot to see and do.

Transport & Parking


Parking was very easy with accessible parking bays on the harbour side. Further bays were just around the corner of the headland at Broughty Ferry Beach; a five minute walk away.



From the harbour side parking bays you could walk around the three sides of the harbour. Looking down the harbour took on a difference appearance as the tide might be low with rocks, seaweed and salt smells or it could be high tide with boats bobbing on the water. The white Harbourside railings went along some parts of the breakwaters but on others you could look over the edge so caution is required in places if you don't fancy an unexpected dip. Or may be you do and could join the local swimming club who swim in the salty waters of the harbour. You can wheel out on the the far points of the two breakwaters. Be puzzled by the strange cracking noises until you realise it is shell pieces being crushed by wheelchair tyres! Grab a selfie while you are there as they views are amazing as you look inland along the river and see the road bridge and the working docks. Look seaward toward the estuary and the castle for spectacular views. Crossing the harbour road and you can explore Castle Park with crazy golf, children play area, grass areas and summer refreshments. If you have the energy and don't require level access you can climb up the slope to the Castle and go and explore the free exhibits.



Five stars. because nearby, five minutes, Broughty Ferry Beach has a Changing Places Toilet.



Not applicable


Broughty Ferry Harbour Broughty Ferry Climb the viewpoint tower View to the Tay Road Bridge Harbour side Harbour side parking

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