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Manchester Airport
Manchester Airport, Manchester, M90 1QX, United Kingdom | 0871 271 0711 | WebsiteDisgraceful Service
Visit date:
This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Walking Aid, Mobility Scooter, Hidden Impairment
We arrived back at Manchester Airport at 4pm. Whilst still on the plane we were told that the aircraft had not been allocated an airbridge stand and we would therefore be exiting by the aircraft steps, walking across the tarmac and entering the T2 building quite a long way from Passport Control. It was also pouring down - proper torrential rain. We waited with other AT passengers and were transferred to a ‘lift’ vehicle (I don’t know the correct name for it). When I’ve experienced this before (as an able-bodied passenger many years ago), the whole thing lowered itself down and became a ‘bus’ which took us to the Terminal. But not this one. Once everyone (at least 5 disabled passengers plus their companions) was in, door to the aircraft was closed and the door at the opposite end opened. We were ushered out in groups onto an open lift platform - no roof - and lowered to the ground. By the time we reached the ground we were soaked to the skin and freezing. My scooter was out in the open, soaking wet and with the seat and tiller still folded down, as was another passenger’s. My son took his sweatshirt off and dried off the scooter seat as best he could, but I still got a wet bum through my jeans from sitting on it. But my main worry was water getting into the electrics, so I covered the tiller with my own sweatshirt as best I could. We then waited in the freezing, torrential rain whilst an AT passenger was transferred to a wheelchair (which had been left in the rain) so we could then go to the Terminal, because we needed to be escorted across the tarmac. When I got inside the Terminal we had to be escorted up in a service lift, one at a time. It was then that I realised that the others on the lift platform hadn’t followed us and were having to wait in the rain for an escort. Once up in the service lift I could make my own way to Passport Control and then to Baggage Reclaim. We were soaked and freezing. Fortunately my scooter had some how survived the deluge. My son later told me he had observed a baggage handler attempt to lift my scooter off the conveyor belt, but had basically dropped it because it was too heavy for a one-man lift. Again, it seems to have survived this. Additionally, we learned via conversations at the luggage carousel, that one AT passenger had been forgotten about and left in the rain for over 10 minutes until her companion had asked about her whereabouts. As a result she needed medical attention. This was an upsetting experience with no Health & Safety oversight, no consideration or forethought (umbrellas????) which could have had dire consequences for AT passengers and their equipment. Appalling.
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