Monsal Trail Monsal Trail

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Monsal Trail

Monsal Trail, Bakewell, SK17 8SN, United Kingdom | 01629 816 200 | Website


Outdoors - Chapter 4

Gentle walk/wheel from Millers Dale station


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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Wheelchair, Powerchair, Mobility Scooter


An out and back excursion, starting at the station (parking, refreshments, loos). Takes about 45 minutes each way. Takes in several old railway tunnels. Some dramatic scenery. Good surface- most types of wheelchair should cope.

Transport & Parking


Will need car. Blue badge spaces. Free at time of writing.



Good surface. Despite recent rain, no mud or puddles when I visited. Few/no benches or resting points if you’re walking unfortunately.



Accessible loo at station tea room. Accessed from platform. Good size. However I’m afraid it’s not well equipped with grab rails. Some will cope (I used to)but I find it too difficult to use now.



Anything else you wish to tell us?

With car park and tea room behind you, take the trail going to the right. Follow right to its end where a gate will prevent you going further. Ignore other paths and bridle ways, just stay on the main track. Lots of bikes use the trail so just listen out for them, especially at weekends or school holidays.


Picture of the Monsal Trail, Bakewell Picture of the Monsal Trail, Bakewell Picture of the Monsal Trail, Bakewell Picture of the Monsal Trail, Bakewell Picture of the Monsal Trail, Bakewell Picture of the Monsal Trail, Bakewell Picture of the Monsal Trail, Bakewell Picture of the Monsal Trail, Bakewell Picture of the Monsal Trail, Bakewell Picture of the Monsal Trail, Bakewell Picture of the Monsal Trail, Bakewell Picture of the Monsal Trail, Bakewell Picture of the Monsal Trail, Bakewell Picture of the Monsal Trail, Bakewell

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