Pret A Manger Pret A Manger

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Pret A Manger

93-95 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0HW, United Kingdom | 020 7222 6293 | Website


A dismal experience for a wheelchair user


Visit date:

This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Wheelchair, Powerchair, Mobility Scooter


This review refers to the Prêt at 93-95 Victoria Street, opposite the Albert pub. There is a big step at the entrance and a doorbell for assistance. The doorbell was not working. I waited outside for several minutes. Horrible.

Transport & Parking


Victoria Station is a few blocks away to the west, all of it is fully step-free, though getting ramp assistance from the staff, especially on arrival there, is extremely hit-and-miss, and if you want to travel by tube, check beforehand whether the lifts are working, as they are notoriously unreliable, despite being brand new at the time of writing. Westminster station, to the east, is fully step free for all lines serving it. Several bus routes will drop you off very near this branch of Prêt.



Dismal. Both entrances to the shop have a significant step. The entrance in Victoria Street has three doorbells with a sticker far away containing a wheelchair symbol and the words "If you need assistance, please ring the bell". It wasn't clear which of the three doorbells was meant. I rang them all. Several times, and for several minutes. I was totally ignored. Eventually a random member of the public went inside to alert staff to my presence. After another very long wait a member of staff came to the door and asked me what I wanted. "A ramp, please" I said. She said that nobody had heard the doorbell and that it was probably broken. Inside the shop it's easy to get around, though the tables at the far end in the annex are cramped and not wheelchair-friendly.



This branch has a good accessible toilet. A large bin was in the wheelchair transfer area, betraying a bad failure by the staff to understand the correct layout of an accessible toilet. Two stars lost for that.



I was not impressed by the staff. They failed to respond to the doorbell when I rang it several times, they took many minutes to arrange a wheelchair ramp for me, and they cannot arrange an accessible toilet correctly.

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Picture of Pret A Manager, Victoria Street, London

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