Sadler's Wells Theatre Sadler's Wells Theatre

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Sadler's Wells Theatre

Roseberry Avenue, London, EC1R 4TN, United Kingdom | 020 7863 8198 | Website


Accessible Modern London Theatre


Visit date:

This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Wheelchair


Sadlers Wells is a relatively modern London Theatre which has surprisingly well located wheelchair and companion seats in the stalls. There is level entry to the theatre, 2 accessible toilets, a lift, a bar and a restaurant (not open for matinee) performances. Only negative is there are no dedicated accessible staff in fact no one to help on either of my visits. Very few foyer seats for those individuals who use a stick

Transport & Parking


The nearest tube station is not accessible for a wheelchair so I travelled by taxi on my first visit and returned by bus. On my second visit I travelled by bus which is very convenient, free and more comfortable. There are direct and frequent buses from both Victoria and Waterloo mainline stations. From Victoria - 35 minutes and Waterloo - 15/20 minutes. There are very few dropped kerbs outside venue so tricky for a power chair user to cross the road for the return bus journey.



There is level access from the street to the theatre but there are no automatic doors or staff to assist. There is a lift to the first floor and the ground floor accessible toilet is opposite to the main entrance to the stalls. There is a bar in the foyer but very few seats. On my first visit we arrived 30 minutes before the performance and it was very crowded and I certainly needed a carer to get through the crowds, take me to the toilet and get me a drink. On my second visit we arrived early and managed find a quiet corner to enjoy a drink



Well located, spacious and very clean accessible toilet on the ground floor. It has an automatic sliding door and it looks very new as the toilet and hand dryer are also automatic. There is a red cord which reaches to ground level. (see photos) The toilet on the first floor is also very good. Both have plenty of space for a manual or power chair.



On both my visits there were no dedicated staff to meet us or help in anyway which is very unusual for a London Theatre venue. Ticket prices are reduced for disabled visitors and carers. I would not go without a carer. The bar staff on my second visit were very friendly.


Picture of Sadler's Wells Theatre's accessible Toilet Picture of Sadler's Wells Theatre's accessible Toilet Picture of Sadler's Wells Theatre's accessible Toilet

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