Let's Make Toilets Safer

Euan’s Guide is the disabled access charity best known for EuansGuide.com. We are so much more than a website and as well as running the UK’s largest and longest running survey of its kind, we work to make accessible toilets safer. We do that through our Red Cord Cards. We have distributed over 150,000 to date – that’s a lot of safer accessible loos!
Order yours now by clicking here and set the cords free!
What's the problem?
Red emergency cords in accessible toilets are far too often cut short, not present, out of reach or tied up. This means somebody in distress or in an emergency might not be able to use the cord to raise the alarm to ask for assistance. Some people can end up stuck for extended periods of time without any other way of asking for help.
Red emergency cords are designed to be a way for someone to safely and easily alert people outside the facilities that their assistance is required. The cord needs to be easy to reach for someone sitting on the toilet or by someone lying on the floor.
“I have spent 20 mins collapsed on the floor unable to get help because of the red cord being tied up in a hospital outpatient toilet and it’s just awful being unable to get help. Having this card and being able to display them will hopefully prevent others from experiencing the same as I have.” – Nikki
How can you support the campaign?
You might have spotted our Red Cord Cards before. These pocket-sized, splash-proof notices in easy-to-read font raise awareness of safety in accessible toilets and slide easily onto red emergency cords. With your help, we’re aiming to make every accessible loo safer.
The card reads: ‘This red emergency cord must hang freely to the floor. If it does not, it may prevent a disabled person from asking for help.’
Image of: A Red Cord Card dangling.
How else can you help?
Don’t forget to add reviews of accessible loos! If you see or leave a Red Cord Card somewhere, let us know. It informs people of how accessible a venue’s toilets are and it is a great opportunity to tell a place how well they have done or how they can improve their disabled access.
Grab your Red Cord Cards!
Order some Red Cord Cards and get started today! We’d love to send you a bundle of them. We are a small charity and donations are welcome to help us continue running the Safer Toilets campaign. Order your Red Cord Cards below using the form or if you’re a venue please follow this link. Let’s set the cords free!